Quick Trip To Northern Sumatera

Beautiful Tropical Mount Scenery in Asia

Last week, I took three days off and I went to Medan. It was a short trip so we tried to make it possible to visit few places. The first destination we visited was Lake Toba and Samosir Island.

Lake Toba was the largest lake in Indonesia and occupying a caldera of supervolcano. Wikipedia said that the depth of Lake Toba was around 500 m. But, actually there's no precise depth measurement of Lake Toba. 500 m was right at some measurable area, but there was an area that people wasn't sure about how deep it was.

In the middle of Lake Toba, there was located Samosir Island where Batak tribe was originated. You can visit Samosir Island by boat or car (but you have to take long route). Going there by boat was only 45 minutes, and there were some spots you should see at this island. Don't worry about the transportation, to visit those spots you can just walk.

We visited traditional house of Batak tribe, and it was unique. The patterns, colors, you can only find it here. I also tried to wear traditional clothes of Batak tribe with my boyfriend. The funniest thing happened—some strangers wanted to take pictures with us. 😂

Pakaian batak

The next day we only had little time to explore Northern Sumatera, so we decided to visit Berastagi. It was close to Medan, took only half and an hour to get there. In Berastagi, you can see the active volcano that caused many trouble lately, Mount Sinabung. But it was beautifu—very breathtaking. For people who lives in the most busiest city in Indonesia, just like me, breathing fresh air was like a true blessing. I felt like I could take out some big city toxins inside me.

Have you ever visited Medan? Tell me where I should visit next time!

Winny Irmarooke

Trying to live sustainably.


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